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Grupo Ideas
Frequent questions
PHASE 1 - SCOPE OF CONCEPTUAL DESIGN (CD)PHASE 1 - CONCEPTUAL DESIGN (CD) Project Survey The survey of the project consists of taking measurements for a specific project, the objective of this survey is to generate a map of the current situation of the project. What is visible to the DESIGN TEAM will be lifted. This lift will not include the lifting of internal wall pipes, whether electrical, white water or sewage. Survey Visit to the Project Plan Measurements of the Project Location of existing sockets and switches. Location of existing lamps Main wall heights Elaboration of Survey Plans Project Conceptual Design Analysis of Applicable Regulations Preliminary Basic Architectural Proposal. Elaboration of Area Program. Inspirational Image Presentation Client Coordination Meetings (1 meeting) Preliminary Interior Design Presentation with References, Colors and Textures *Pre-selection of Furniture and Finishes.
PHASE 2 - SCOPE OF SCHEMATIC DESIGN (DE)PHASE 2 - SCHEMATIC DESIGN (DE) Design and Architectural Definition of the Project Location Plans Architectural plants Elevations Sections Isometrics or Perspectives Interior Design Finishing plan on walls and details. Flat ceiling plan and details. Definitive Furniture Plant. Extensions and pictures of Furniture I Accessories I Artifacts. Various details if required. Plan, elevations, and details of fixed furniture (tv cabinets, patio furniture, bar cabinets, and closet additions). Front door design Selection of Furniture and Finishes. Selection of Luminaires. Advice on the selection of white goods and electrical appliances. Selection of Curtains. Selection of colors and textures. Table of costs according to quotes. Perspective - Renderings (2) Renderings of the Project in digital format JPG or PDF Any additional Render requested must be paid by THE CLIENT Architectural Draft *If Applicable* Preliminary Draft for Approval in Fire Department 11x17 Preliminary Draft for Municipal Approval *Note: The time for the Selection of Furniture and Finishes will be a specific time and will be agreed with the client in a previous meeting before starting the Project. In the case of the choice of furniture or finishes together with the client, and the same does not conclude the purchase of the same through their respective subscriptions and it is the case that these are no longer available, the estimated time for a new search of finishes will be invoiced according to Grupo Ideas standard rates, with prior authorization from the client to give their consent.
PHASE 3 - SCOPE OF DESIGN DEVELOPMENT (DD)PHASE 3 - DESIGN DEVELOPMENT (DD) Design and Development of Architectural Plans Detailed Architectural Plans Floor Plans Sky Plants Enlargements Paintings of Doors, Windows and Finishes Evacuation route Roof plans with indication of materials and indication of slopes Elevations with information of general dimensions and levels. Sections with information on general dimensions and levels. Architectural and Construction Details Engineering coordination and integration to Architecture Plans Development of Engineering Plans Design, Development and Coordination of Plumbing Plans Drinking Water Drink Water Design, Development and Coordination of Fire Protection Systems Alarms Sprinklers Design, Development and Coordination of Electricity Plans Lighting Strength Design, Development and Coordination of Special Systems Voice and Data Television Design, Development and Coordination of Air Conditioning Air Conditioning Extraction Design, Development and Coordination of Structure Plans (Does not apply to Commercial Design Services) Structural System and Foundations Calculation Memory Note: The DESIGN TEAM undertakes to deliver 1 set of Plans once it is duly approved by the authorities.
INFORMATION TO BE PROVIDED BY CLIENTS FOR PROJECTSLegal documents from the Public Registry of land titling. Legal documents from the Public Registry of the legal representative. Copy of the passport or identification card of the legal representative. Boundaries of the farm with its neighbors approved by Cadastre or corresponding Entity Approved Land Management Scheme and its resolution or its Land Use Assignment with its resolution. Design recommendations derived from the environmental impact study. A fully-specified memory for special design considerations that do not conform to the typical standards required by MIVI Letter from IDAAN certifying whether or not it can supply water to the project. If not, study of wells for drinking water supply, with all water tests Letter from IDAAN and/or Saneamiento de la Bahía regarding the existing and/or projected sanitary system by the State Letter from SINAPROC certifying that there is no possibility of flooding, erosion or natural critical situations in the development area Letter from My Environment certifying Environmental Viability ATTT letter with evaluation of vehicular flows Certification of the Electrical Supply to the area, closest connection point and load capacity Civil Aeronautics Certification if required according to proposal.
EXCLUSIONS UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED FOR PROJECTSInterior design. Review and/or Approval of Workshop Plans. Changes to the Project not specified in the Scope of Services Infrastructure Plans Ordering Scheme Changes to the Ordering Scheme Specialized Design Consultancies (These consultancies may include, but are not limited to: Consulting on Acoustics, Theater Systems, Lighting, LEED, Sustainability, Special BMS Systems, Treatment Plants, etc.) Supervision/Technical Inspection of the Work - (Full-time inspection) Construction and Site Administration. Preparation of As-Built Plans (as built). Request for Letters and Certifications before the Authorities Environmental Impact Study Soil Study Project Drawing Approvals Building Permits Occupancy Permit Soil Study Hydrological Study Topography
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